Somatic Yoga | Gentle Somatic Yoga Video Classes
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somatic yoga classes in salisbury

yoga is not about self-improvement

it is a journey of self-acceptance

Gentle Somatic Yoga with Claire - on demand class library.

Somatic yoga is a type of yoga where you are encouraged to pay attention to how your body feels in the poses, rather than how it looks. The focus is on lovingly connecting to your body to tune in to its sensations, listen to what your body needs, release tension and use movement and breathing patterns to let go of stress. In these classes, we practice mindful movement; this may be different to other more physically demanding classes as you are encouraged to go at your own pace and really listen to what feels right for your body. My classes combine peaceful and nourishing mindful movement, conscious breathwork techniques, learning postures and gentle flows, relaxation and guided meditations.   We always end the classes with smiling, grateful hearts. 

Or book on to a gentle somatic yoga live class here:


"I am really enjoying your classes Claire, thank you. I've been noticing my body feeling less stiff and more flexible and I am really enjoying the relaxation at the end"

- Yoga student

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