Somatic Therapy | In Salisbury + Online
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Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy in Salisbury

Somatic therapy
in Salisbury and online

What can Somatic Therapy help with?

Somatic therapy is helpful for issues including anxiety and mood related symptoms and is particularly helpful when there is a history of trauma. Some people have a clear idea of a past event or events that has effected them (e.g. a chaotic childhood, abusive ex-partner or loss), however, you may not have a specific memory or know what happened in your past, or may feel you had a good childhood but just have a feeling that something isn't right....or a symptom that you can't shrug. Sometimes trauma occurs from big, sudden and obvious events or series of events, and sometimes it is more subtle for example not having your needs met as a child. In somatic therapy you don't need to talk about any memories or past events (that's for a psychotherapist), as we are working with your present day symptoms. 


If you have ever had a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, personality disorder, current suicidal thoughts or feelings, epilepsy, or current substance abuse or dependence, unfortunately Somatic Therapy with Claire may not be suitable for you. If you have any of these contraindications, or if you are unsure whether somatic therapy is right for you, please consult your doctor. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy techniques honour the connection between the body and the mind. One of the principles of somatics is that the stories in your mind (your thoughts) follow the state in your body (your feelings), yet we often try to tackle our problems by changing our thoughts e.g. by "thinking positively", and neglect tending to our bodies. 

Somatic therapy with Claire combines psychoeducation to help you compassionately understand your symptoms and the therapeutic application of mindfulness, breathwork and movement practices to help you out of your mind and in to your body, regulate your nervous system and create a healing environment of safety. We will use a framework called "polyvagal theory" to create your own personal nervous system states map and strategy to help you move forwards more peacefully. 

somatic therapy in salisbury

What are the Benefits of Somatic Therapy?

Release stress and tension from the body: you will learn how to breathe and move stored tension away, changing the state in your body to change the stories in your mind.

Compassionately reframe your symptoms: with the framework of polyvagal theory, you will understand that you make sense, and be able to view your symptoms compassionately as your body keeping you safe.  This reframing will help you befriend yourself as you realise you make sense. 

✔ Learn practical tools to help regulate your nervous system and tone your vagus nerve: you will fill your toolbox with practical exercises that not only soothe your symptoms, but also alter the neurobiology in your body by lowering stress hormones. Toning your vagus nerve helps your nervous system to recalibrate towards safety. 

Heal trauma: somatic therapy teaches your body it is safe to gently release stored trauma, so you can move on more peacefully with your life. 

What happens in the somatic therapy sessions?

Your sessions will last 50 minutes. Each session will be a combination of learning and practice. Each session will be different depending on you, and everything is a choice. In any session we might do some breathing, moving around in our bodies, therapeutic stretching, mind-body exercises, guided meditations and learning. 

At the end of each session we will agree which exercises you will practice for a few minutes each day for the next week. 


Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”

- Bessel A. van der Kolk (The Body Keeps the Score)

How many sessions will I need?

An initial course of somatic therapy with Claire is six sessions. Generally it will consist of two sessions on self-regulation, two sessions on mindfulness and two sessions on nervous system mapping, though your course will be bespoke to you and may not follow this exact format. 

Why choose Somatic Therapy with Claire?

Through my training, my work with clients, and my own personal healing journey I have gained a deep understanding of the mind-body through a scientific, nervous system lens and also through my spiritual practice. I weave the principles of yogic philosophy and the values of mindfulness together with research and neuroscience to help you understand, explore and discover your true self; compassionate, loving, worthy. I have trained in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy as well as trauma-informed practice, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and yoga. As a trauma-trained practitioner, you feeling safe in your sessions and practices is my number one priority. 

After neglecting my own body for many years with an eating disorder, I learnt to come home and tend to my body through mindfulness, somatics and yoga. Now I just love bodies; and it is my passion to help people understand and come home to live peacefully in their own bodies trough these practices. 

Where do sessions take place?

Online sessions take place on Zoom. You will need to have a quiet place where you can be undisturbed for the duration of the session, and a chair in which you can comfortably recline and relax. 

In-person sessions take place in a cosy therapy room in Salisbury city centre. 

Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy in Salisbury

Are you ready to start your journey? 

If you feel ready to start your journey, or want to find out more, please book a free 20 minute consultation. Please ensure you have checked the 'What can somatic therapy with Claire help with?' section above to make sure you do not have any contraindications. If you are unsure, please email me.  Your consultation is a chance to get to know me, for you to hear more about the sessions and for you to ask any questions. I look forward to meeting you. 

Looking for something else?

If you're looking for longer term support, or help with long standing, complex issues, you might want to consider my 'Make Peace with Yourself' 3 month supported healing programme. This programme combines Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Somatics, Hypnotherapy, Yoga and Breathwork into a bespoke programme just for you. You'll have one hour sessions and comprehensive, personalised workbooks and practices to support you on your healing journey.

Articles on Somatics from my Mind-Body Blog:

Claire Sankey Mindfulness Teacher Somatic Therapy Anixety Coach Trauma Therapist.jpg

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

- CS Lewis

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