Safeguarding |
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Safeguarding Policy 


Claire Sankey is committed to creating a safe environment for all clients, including children and vulnerable adults. This safeguarding policy outlines my commitment to safeguarding and the steps I take to ensure the safety and well-being of my clients.


Safeguarding Principles: I believe that everyone has the right to be safe and protected from harm, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. I am committed to promoting the welfare of all our clients, including children and vulnerable adults, and will take all reasonable steps to prevent harm or abuse.


Responsibilities: At all times working with clients, including children and vulnerable adults, I am responsible for safeguarding their welfare. This includes identifying and reporting any concerns or suspicions of abuse or harm, and taking appropriate action to protect the individual from harm.


Training and Awareness: I am trained in safeguarding, including how to identify and respond to concerns or suspicions of harm or abuse. 


Reporting Concerns: If I have concerns or suspicions about the welfare of a client, including children and vulnerable adults, I will take appropriate action with the local authorities and safeguarding process.


Confidentiality: I understand the importance of confidentiality in safeguarding, and I will respect the privacy of my clients. However, I may need to share information with relevant authorities if there are concerns about the welfare of a client, including children and vulnerable adults. I will always inform the client where possible and appropriate.


Complaints Procedure: We have a complaints procedure in place, which allows clients or their representatives to raise concerns about the welfare of the client. We will take all complaints seriously and respond promptly and appropriately.


Contact: If you have any questions or concerns about our safeguarding policy, please contact me at the following email address:


Changes to Policy: I reserve the right to update this safeguarding policy at any time. 

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